The Earth Station One Podcast - 60 Years of The Flintstones
April 15th, 2021
2 hrs 9 mins 13 secs
Season 12
About this Episode
Yabba-Dabba-Doo!!! Mike, Mike, Mark Heffernan and Mark McCray discuss the introduction of the modern stone age family and the impact they've had on pop culture in the modern age. Plus, we chat with comedian Marc Sheffler about his early days of being on stage with the Three Stooges to his recent run as El Yid. All this, along with Angela's A Geek Girl's Take, Michelle's Iconic Rock Moments, Creative Outlet, and Shout Outs!
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Table of Contents
0:00:00 Show Open / Interview with Comic / Actor / Author Marc Sheffler
0:38:35 Box Office Buzz
0:41:34 60 Years of the Flintstones
1:43:58 Michelle's Iconic Music Moment
1:46:46 Creative Outlet - Dan Klink talks to Director Lucas Zoppi
1:54:46 A Geek Girl's Place
1:57:19 Show Close
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