Earth Station One Podcast - The ESO Network Book Club: Mission of Gravity


January 31st, 2019

1 hr 49 mins 50 secs

Season 9

Your Hosts

About this Episode

A classic novel from one of the pioneers of hard science fiction, Hal Clement. Mike, Mike, and Kirby are tasked with some heavy reading and begin with a non-spoiler discussion before they go in depth. Plus, Jacquelen and Brian from Metrotham preview the first-year convention before landing in the Geek Seat. All this, along with Royal Rumble Rants and Raves, Angela’s Geek Girl Take, Ashley's Box Office Buzz, Khan Report, and Shout Outs!

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Table of Contents
0:00:00 Show Open
0:24:15 Box Office Buzz
0:27:23 The Geek Seat w/ Jacquelen and Brian from Metrotham
0:48:58 The ESO Network Book Club: Mission of Gravity
1:37:06 A Geek Girl's Take
1:39:24 The Khan Report
1:42:11 Show Close

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